Our solutions include the best of technologies and knowledge from the past, of today and for the future.
Techinova solves grid-owner’s challenges with control, monitoring and automation remotely. We develop and offers telemetric solutions worldwide. In our first attempts to enter the market we, at first hand, target the Power Distribution market. We meet our customers’ expectations and the demands from the market by taking full responsibility for the functionality of our solutions.
Innovative solutions and, high competence.
Innovation includes a lot more than to make new and revolutionary products. To us, to be innovative means to enter a task with a holistic approach on problem solving, using different technologies available for our design of needed solutions.
Techinova and its Board of Directors possesses thorough insights in the area of Power Distribution and represents more than 25 years of experience from research and development. We do have the knowledge and the experience from analogue as well as digital technologies with a broad understanding of products and systems installed. Continuous individual education of our staff, recruitments for competence, and acquisitions ensure Techinovas pole-position in present and future solutions. Our team is dynamic, how to solve different issues for different customers causes tempered, innovative and fruitful debates and discussions, with different angles of views ventilated during lunch-breaks or after-work sessions.
Job opportunities at Techinova.
Techinova has high ambitions and excellent conditions in creating a growing company. Growth of a company means a continuous need for new co-workers with a willingness to explore customer needs and develop new functionalities and system solutions. Never hesitate to contact us should you be interested in joining our team.
Techinovas experienced and knowledgeable staff has the capabilities to include a multitude of technologies available into a solution. When designing, we always carefully consider your earlier investments ensuring and sometimes extending life time expectancy. In many cases our design starts from stable and well proven technical platforms which we combine with a new and clever software of our own design customizing a modern and up to date functionality for the customer. Together with customers we frequently develop more extensive solutions setting up
an “R&D-team” including engineers and technicians from both parties.
Should you have ideas or, an obvious need concerning efficiency or profitability for your Grid, do not hesitate to contact us.
Their ideas in the area of Power Distribution was realized by the start of Techinova and the invention of TechiNode™
Techinova was founded February 2010 by Peter Fransson, Nedzad Balesic and Mikael Rosberg. Due to their different backgrounds and competences they matched in a positive way. A common denominator was found in their common interest and experience from Radio Communication. The three of them had a lot of different ideas and visions on how to, by the use of radio, increase efficiency and profitability from power distribution networks. TechiNode™ was developed, properly tested and a proof of concept was performed yr 2012 with positive result.
Today, TechiNode™ is the product-line for the Power Distribution market with several different versions. Techinovas customer base has been steadily growing since entering the market in 2013, during which year the first acquisition was done by incorporating Hentech Consulting and welcoming Henrik Johansson in to the team. Head office and production facilities comprise 400 sqm located in Karlskrona in the south of Sweden.

Anders Olsson, Chairman of the Board.
Nätägare har en viktig roll i samhället men branschen påverkas av ett antal trender och större förändringar som har starkt fäste just nu. Det ställer dem inför en rad utmaningar. Det krävs både bredd och spetskompetens hos dem som ska planera, designa och bygga dessa komplexa och diversifierade kommunikationslösningar. Anders Olsson, styrelseordförande på Techinova berättar hur han ser på branschens utmaningar och Techinovas möjligheter.Läs hela intervjun

Anders Olsson
Chairman of the Board
Anders works with strategic business development and investments. He is a member of the board of several companies. Anders has a background from E.ON, where he most recently was Deputy CEO of E.ON Norden.

Bengt Norman
Board member
Bengt is active on several small company boards and has a strong, local community involvement. He has a background as CEO of E.ON Värme.
Henrik Jonsson
Board member
Henrik is the CEO of the growth company Nortic AB, a data-driven Digital Event Partner for the experience industry. He was previously CEO of the industrial company AIA / LU-VE Sweden AB and has a background as an authorized public accountant at EY.

Björn Andersson
Board member
Björn Andersson works as a business angel and is a partner in several smaller companies. He has previously owned and operated a call center company.

Peter Fransson
Board member
Peter co-founded with Mikael Rosberg and Nedzad Balesic Techinova. On the board, Peter represents the founders. At Techinova, Peter works with technical sales.
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