TechiNode ™ RS30 (> 4 outgoing lines)

The demands on a safe and uninterruptible power grid are ever increasing. New technologies enable new functionalities and devices should be able to beremotely controlled and remotely monitored. The need for alarm management, fault indication and fault localization increases as well as the ability to retrieve increasingly measurable values.

Our RTU Series is included in the TechiNode™ system, a remote control and remote monitoring unit developed in-house. For the sub-station automation segment, the TechiNode™ RS30 is specially designedfor the control and monitoring network drives with more than four linesout.  The solution provides effective outage management and reduces operating and maintenance costs by minimizing theneed for field work and by proactively working with fault detection. By using standard protocols, the solution is compatible with both old and new equipmentof different brands. The TechiNode™ RS30 transfers information from the powergrid to the SCADA system and the unit has an integrated wireless private radiointerface. You can also choose TETRA/ RAKEL communication.

Order your sub-station pre-fabricatedwith TechiNode ™ RS30-RTU included

Among Techinova´s partners you find several sub-station manufacturers, including;Holtab AB, KL-Industri AB, Norrmontage AB and Nätstationsalliansen . Techinode™ canbe conveniently installed in the sub-station and you can place your orderthrough us or directly to your sub-station manufacturer.

Include fault indication whenorderring

Techinova cooperates with Protrol and our RTUs supports Protrol's fault indicators IPS2.The fault indicators are available as an option for the RTUs.


TechiNode ™ RS30-RTU functionalities

·Enables remote monitoring and remote control for sub-stations with more than 4 lines out.


· Fault indication andlocalization for up to 3 lines out (option)


· Handling of sub-stationalarms


· Expandable local I / O


· Master protocol IEC 60870-101-5, Modbus RTU for serial connection to relayprotection, fault indicators, PLC / RTUs


· Communication:Private Radio and RAKEL can be run in the same system


· Radio / -RAKEL networksprovide extreme reliability in all weather conditions and provides real-timeaccess to remote network stations


· Local control panel with indication


· IntegratedUPS with battery management


· Replace polled protocols to event-driven
