We want people in our market to trust us, customers satisfaction is of the highest priority.

We have ISO-Certification for quality and environment.

 We have ISO-Certification for quality, environment and a policy for CSR. Since the very start of Techinova matters of quality and environmental care has been of high importance. In order to enable control and to measure the quality of performance and products, Techinova implemented its certified quality management system according to ISO standard year 2013. Our environmental management system was implemented year 2014. As per today, Techinova is certified according to current standards such as ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 9001:2015. Certifying body is DNV GL.CSR certification on Techinova strategy for ethics and social responsibilities according to ISO 26000 is under way.

Prolongs the life-expectancy on the existing products in your grid.

A multitude of different products is on the market, many of these can be up-graded and modernized. A special kit for retrofit is developed, for the purpose of minimizing costs by reusing existing equipment. Just replace your old and out of date RTU and communication unit with up to date units from Techinova, when necessary you can easily add the
functionality of local actuation and control to the solution. With our quality management system as a guide-line our routines for project analyses, field surveys, production,
commissioning, education and support are sound and safe.

We care about the environment

In order to reduce negative influence on the environment we have analysed all the different parts of our operations in an environmental certification process. As per today, we are
certified according to ISO 14001:2015.

Learnings from this process tells us that the largest impact on the environment is the shipment by air of the Autoreclosers. Techinova therefore, in an attempt to balance the environmental foot-prints, supports the foundation “Skog” by financing planting of three forest plants, in Africa, per sold autorecloser . 

Techinova is affiliated to Swedish organized recycling of packaging materials and newspapers.

Reduce Your environmental impact with TechiNode™

Products included in our TechiNode™- system are developed with a multifunctionality, meaning that few additional or complementary units are needed. Power consumption and the number of units to be powered are less, when compared with outdated set-ups. TechiNode™ enable remote monitoring and control which reduces need for going on-site by car or terrain vehicles saving fuel which has a positive impact on the environment reducing CO2 emissions. TechiNode™ collects information from many different sources and devices which can be used for increased automation of processes and a higher utilization of the
infrastructure in your grid. As an example, TechiNode™ enables automatic
management when power requirement peaks. Techinova´s solutions extend life
expectancy for many of the different products you are using in your grid
facilitating implementation of renewable power sources and traditional

Let us schedule a meeting.

We are continuously in movement and our technicians and sales-engineers are always somewhere close to you, from the North to the south of Sweden and Northern Europe.
When our services are needed, do not hesitate to call us for a meeting. Schedule your meeting here, or give us a call at +46 (0)455 655 530

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